- 707 Operations Inc - Mainline Steam Train Trips in Victoria
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Membership of Seven-0-Seven Operations is for a 12 month period from 01 July to 30 June for each financial year.

The there are two adult individual membership categories - "Volunteer" and "Associate". The minimum age for adult membership is 16 years.

In common with other heritage railway organisations, sporting clubs, many volunteer organisations and community expectations, members who work in our workshops at Newport or as customer marshals or locomotive service crew during mainline trips need to undergo "Working With Children" checks. Members who hold "Working With Children" check cards are classified as "Volunteer Workers".

New membrship applications from persons wishing to become "Volunteer Members" must be accompanied by a copy of a current "Working With Children" check card (or copy of a recent application for a card).

Applications for "Working With Children" checks can be made at Australia Post offices and are free for members of volunteer organisations.

Applications from persons who do not hold (or have not applied for) "Working With Children" check cards will be automatically be classified as "Associate Members" who are not permitted to work in the Newport Workshop or on a even-0-Seven Operations train. Member receive early access booking for trips and generally discounted travel on most even-0-Seven Operations day trip.

Family membership is limited to two adults and children under 18 years old that live at the same address. The person taking out a family membership will be classified as a "Vounteer Member" if they provide "Working With Children" check documentation.

Only financial members can vote at the Annual General Meeting.

Individual membership is $55 and family membership $75.

Click to download our 2024-25 Membership Application form.


Updated: 26 February 2024